Extract table and column information from a dbms_metadata export file
Peter Goldthorp June 2002
The file generated for a table by dbms_metadata.get_xml contains table and column information. Individual elements in the file can be identified via xpath if the file is stored in an xmltype column. The following program is pl/sql block which outputs the table name, column names and lengths from an xmltype column. It demonstrates a mechanism for reading the column information.
The column information in the file is in a repeating group (master/detail). There are multiple column rows for each table. This makes it difficult to query column details from the file (e.g find the length of the column called 'BUG_ID'). XPath defines a sibling notation but 9.0.1 does not support it. The following program works around this by using XPath's index notation. It uses a loop to build a string which queries each column in the table e.g:
In this example these are output via dbms_output.put_line. They could be stored in a plsql table for later processing. Note the call tmp.existsnode(col_string). This tests for the end of the column list.
declare tmp sys.xmltype; col sys.xmltype; val varchar2(32000); col_found number(1); index_col number(8); col_string varchar2(256); begin select xml_content into tmp from xml_load_data where id=2; col := tmp.extract('/ROWSET/ROW/TABLE_T/SCHEMA_OBJ/NAME/text()'); val := col.getStringVal(); dbms_oututil.txt_prn(val); index_col := 1; col_string := '/ROWSET/ROW/TABLE_T/COL_LIST/COL_LIST_ITEM['||index_col||']'; col_found := tmp.existsnode(col_string); while col_found = 1 loop col := tmp.extract(col_string||'/NAME'); val := col.getStringVal(); dbms_output.put_line(val); col := tmp.extract(col_string||'/LENGTH'); val := col.getStringVal(); dbms_output.put_line(val); index_col := index_col + 1; col_string := '/ROWSET/ROW/TABLE_T/COL_LIST/COL_LIST_ITEM['||index_col||']'; col_found := tmp.existsnode(col_string); end loop; end; /